The Home Show consistently attracts a large, qualified audience, ready to buy and eager to learn about the latest products and services for their homes and lifestyles.
Consider these reasons for exhibiting at the Home & Lifestyle Show:
- Build relationships, sell, and generate leads from thousands of qualified buyers
- Take advantage of in-person contact to demonstrate your latest products and services to an audience who can see, touch and buy your product on the spot
- Expand brand awareness and enhance your reputation at an important community event
We are told by our exhibitors that there is a positive community spirit that is present at this show, due in part to the fact that the Rotary Club uses all show proceeds to invest in community organizations, youth scholarships, and humanitarian aid programs.
To learn more about the show, please watch the overview video below. Also, be sure to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@RotaryHomeShow) to keep up to date on the show.
Here is a flyer you can print and post at your place of business to tell people about the show. Feel free to send it out to your customers as well. Also, a poster to be displayed.
To reserve booth space on the main floor, contact boothsales@rotaryhomeshow.com.
Artists seeking exhibit space in the Fine Art & Crafts Show on the main floor, please contact rotaryartshow@nycap.rr.com,. Your booth reservation is not confirmed until Rotary has received your payment.
For all booths, the artist, vendor or a representative must be present at the booth throughout the show.